Mansfield Mysteries
Martinis, Motives, and Murder. Mansfield Mysteries is a satirical, cozy murder whodunit, featuring the inquisitive, martini-loving socialite Dorinda Mansfield. Set in quiet, affluent Berkshire Bay, each three-chapter story finds Dorinda wrapped up in a new murder. With the help of her devoted daughter, Stacey—as well as the occasional frenemy—Dorinda digs for clues, navigates Berkshire Bay’s elite social circles, and sifts through years’ worth of grudges and motives. In this company town, no one can be trusted, and everyone has something to hide. If you enjoy our show, don’t forget to Follow and Rate us on your favorite podcatcher!

Saturday Aug 20, 2022
To The Depths! Trailer
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Martinis, motives, and murder! At the annual Labor Day Extravaganza, the last thing Dorinda Mansfield expected to encounter was all three.
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Premiering September 16th, 2022!

Friday Sep 16, 2022
To The Depths! Chapter 1
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
When Dorinda Mansfield and her daughter, Stacey, attend Berkshire Bay Brand’s annual Labor Day extravaganza, they are inundated with old flames, hot gossip, and tasty barbeque, but the last thing they expect to see is a dead body! (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Mayor Berkshire
Cody Ernest as Morton Anderlee
Amy Hanson as Rosemary Berkshire
Brianna Hubbard as Rebecca Miller
Michael L. Johnson as Employee
Mona Goss Lewis as Alice Breckenridge
Tina Paukstelis as Annabelle
Joan Roehre as Sarabelle
Christopher Wild as Galen
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to: Dennis Hoyt, Rich Smith and the Over Our Head Players, as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Sep 23, 2022
To The Depths! Chapter 2
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
The corpse in the dunk tank was an accomplished swimmer: this wasn’t a drowning—it was murder. Questioning everyone from the centenarian mayor of Berkshire Bay to an internet influencer, Dorinda is bound to get to the depths of this mystery. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Mayor Berkshire
Cody Ernest as Morton Anderlee
Brianna Hubbard as Rebecca Miller
Michael L. Johnson as Employee
Mona Goss Lewis as Alice Breckenridge
Tina Paukstelis as Annabelle
Joan Roehre as Sarabelle
Christopher Wild as Galen
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to: Dennis Hoyt, Rich Smith and the Over Our Head Players, as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Sep 30, 2022
To The Depths! Chapter 3
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Motives have been established, and clues have been gathered. Dorinda, with her daughter Stacey’s help, is ready to reveal the dunk tank killer before sunset. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Mayor Berkshire
Cody Ernest as Morton Anderlee
Amy Hanson as Rosemary Berkshire
Brianna Hubbard as Rebecca Miller
Michael L. Johnson as Employee
Mona Goss Lewis as Alice Breckenridge
Tina Paukstelis as Annabelle
Joan Roehre as Sarabelle
Christopher Wild as Galen
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to: Dennis Hoyt, Rich Smith and the Over Our Head Players, as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Game, Set, Murder! Trailer
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Martinis, motives, and murder! It's the morning of the Halloween Club Open and Dorinda Mansfield has just found out her tennis partner has been attacked in her home and her guest murdered. Needing a new doubles partner, Dorinda and her daughter Stacey set off to find a replacement - and the killer! - before the tournament can begin.
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Chapter One premiering Friday, October 14th!

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Game, Set, Murder! Chapter 1
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Dorinda’s daughter, Stacey, is home for the Tennis Club’s Halloween Open, of which her mother is a renowned champion. When they stop to pick up Dorinda’s doubles partner, however, the Mansfields stumble into a murder scene no one could have predicted. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Police Officer
Cody Ernest as Brandon
Anne Mollerskov as Pam
Christopher Wild as Carl
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Game, Set, Murder! Chapter 2
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Confounded by a surprise, last-minute entry for the Halloween Open, a pair of Southern belles, and the seemingly incompetent staff of the Berkshire Bay Tennis Club, Dorinda and Stacey have their hands full interrogating suspects as they try to solve this unlikely murder. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Police Officer
Cody Ernest as Brandon
Amy Hanson – Rosemary Berkshire
Anne Mollerskov as Pam and Club Member 2
Tina Paukstelis as Annabelle and Nadia Gorcheva
Paul Reese as Bartender
Joan Roehre as Sarabelle and Club Member 1
Christopher Wild as Carl
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Game, Set, Murder! Chapter 3
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
The questions have been asked; the inconsistencies have been revealed. Regardless of red herrings, Dorinda Mansfield intends to out the killer at the Halloween Open’s awards ceremony. And finally have a martini. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Doug Despin as Police Officer
Cody Ernest as Brandon
Michael L. Johnson as Club Member
Mona Goss Lewis as Alice Breckenridge
Anne Mollerskov as Pam
Tina Paukstelis as Annabelle and Nadia Gorcheva
Paul Reese as Bartender
Joan Roehre as Sarabelle
Christopher Wild as Carl
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-
Twitter: MansfieldMyst00
Instagram: mansfield_mysteries/

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Gimme, Gimme - Murder! Trailer
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Martinis, motives, and murder! Trapped in a blizzard at a clandestine karaoke party, Dorinda Mansfield must team up with her arch nemesis, Rosemary Berkshire, after a homicide hits a sour note among the group. Can they put aside their differences long enough to catch the killer?
Darlings, if you enjoy our show, contribute HERE, s’il vous plait! We’d be so grateful!
Chapter One premiering Friday, November 11th!

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Gimme, Gimme - Murder! Chapter 1
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
After accidentally rescuing her nemesis, Rosemary, from a snowy ditch, Dorinda finds herself at Berkshire Bay Bank’s secret karaoke night, surrounded by art, music, and martinis. A sour note ends the party before it can begin, however, and Dorinda springs into action to solve a murder. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Amy Hanson as Rosemary Berkshire
Elizabeth Bitner as Bridget
Doug Despin as Driver
Cody Ernest as Bartender
Tina Paukstelis as Joy Wakefield
Dana Roders as Sonya Parker
Joan Roehre as Margret Berkshire-O’Toole and Sue The Cater-Waiter
Matt Specht as Wilmore Parker
Christopher Wild as Nicholas O’Toole the Third
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Gimme, Gimme - Murder! Chapter 2
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Everyone is in a feud with someone at Berkshire Bay Bank’s secret karaoke night; torrid affairs, past grudges, and a profound misunderstanding of art complicate Dorinda’s detective instincts, and she must rely on her nemesis, Rosemary, to play Watson to her Holmes. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Amy Hanson as Rosemary Berkshire
Elizabeth Bitner as Bridget
Doug Despin as Steve Wakefield
Tina Paukstelis as Joy Wakefield
Dana Roders as Sonya Parker
Joan Roehre as Margret Berkshire-O’Toole
Matt Specht as Wilmore Parker
Christopher Wild as Nicholas O’Toole the Third
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Gimme, Gimme - Murder! Chapter 3
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
In the season finale: Trapped in a blizzard, six of the eight partygoers had either motive or opportunity to kill the victim, but only one had both. However, Dorinda, surrounded by questionable art and even more questionable people, believes she’s ready to name the murderer. (For the best experience, listen with headphones)
Melissa Hughes Ernest as Dorinda Mansfield
Melissa Zeien as Stacey Mansfield
Amy Hanson as Rosemary Berkshire
Elizabeth Bitner as Bridget
Doug Despin as Steve Wakefield
Cody Ernest as Morton Anderlee
Tina Paukstelis as Joy Wakefield
Dana Roders as Sonya Parker
Joan Roehre as Margret Berkshire-O’Toole
Matt Specht as Wilmore Parker
Christopher Wild as Nicholas O’Toole the Third
Written by Amy Hanson and Michael L. Johnson
Produced by The QuaranTeam Group
Sound Design by Paul Reese
Directed by Nicholas Hoyt
Special thanks to Dennis Hoyt as well as an extra special thank you to Amber Miller for inspiring this whole project. We couldn’t have done it without any of them.
Content Warnings:
Mature Themes
Adult Language
Antiquated/Stereotypical Views
Follow us on social media-

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Mystery Mavens: Gather The Suspects
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Mansfield Mysteries is proud to present our first Mystery Maven, a show that knows a thing or two about solving a murder, Gather the Suspects! Show Description:Gather The Suspects is a cosy murder mystery comedy set in Wales during a very boring apocalypse.Gather The Suspect takes the traditional locked-room murder mystery with its closed circle of suspects and gives it a makeover for the 21st century. Gone are the stately homes of Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers, replaced with a fading apartment block in a near-future Wales. Mixing comedy, cosiness and a central mystery that keeps you guessing until the end Gather The Suspects is a playful take on a familiar genre.Episode Description:Serial procrastinator, Jack, always imagined that the end of the world would feature more Zombies or a cataclysmic nuclear event. He never expected the end of the world to be this… Well, boring! Well, until his flat complex is thrown into turmoil by murder, that is.Told through the exasperated eyes of Jack's best friend Kara, join Wales' most unlikely private detectives.Find the full series here: A transcript of this episode is available here>> Episode 1 Transcripts

Monday May 22, 2023
Mystery Mavens: Fawx & Stallion
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Mansfield Mysteries is so excited to bring you our second Mystery Maven, a series that understands a good mystery as well as a well-timed quip, Fawx & Stallion!
Show Description:
The Place: London, England The Time: Winter, 1889 The Crime: Anything (including, but not limited to: Robberies, Burglaries, Thieveries, Unlawful Acts, General Wrong-doing, and Pilferings) The Detectives: Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson, 221B Baker Street (UNAVAILABLE - Out of Town) Known Alternatives: None of Note Neighbors: Hampton Fawx and James Stallion, 224B Baker Street (IRRELEVANT)
Transcript here and at, where you can also find bios, more info, and links to our social media.
Written and Directed by Ian Geers and Lauren Grace Thompson.
Sound designed by Sarah Buchynski.
Produced and edited by Lauren Grace Thompson.
Original music by Baldemar.
Hampton Fawx: Jeremy Thompson
James Stallion: Chris Vizurraga
Madge Stallion: Katie McLean Hainsworth
Archie Cartwright: Shawn Pfautsch
Constable McMurphy: Ian Geers
Mildred: Nicole Knudsen
Jerry: James Ferrero
Copper: Evin McQuistion
Sarah: Lauren Grace Thompson
Ambrosius: Llewyn Geers-Thompson
This episode contains adult language and sexual innuendo. A robbery takes place in the opening scene. Jail/imprisonment. Reference to hanging.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Mystery Mavens: The One Stars
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Join Negative Nancy and Chatbot aboard The Space Windu as they bring you the worst One Star Reviews from all across the Multiverse. Overrated Moon Vacations. Haunted Electronics. Cat beds that don't come in human sizes. Its MST3K meets One Star Reviews in this award-winning absurd comedy fiction podcast. Starring Emma Elizabeth and Blythe Renay. Created by Jeremy Ellett.